Corporate Leadership, Multilevel Enforcement and Biodiversity Regulation


  • João Paulo Cândia Veiga University of São Paulo
  • Fausto Makishi University of São Paulo
  • Murilo Alves Zacareli University of São Paulo



Corporatism, Governance, Transnational, Regulation, Biodiversity


Globalization incentives the rise of non-state actors in unprecedented ways along with the creation of transnational arenas which are neither international (intergovernmental) nor national (domestic), but transborder political processes where firms, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), states and social communities set up rules and provide governance mechanisms to enforce those at local level. The article is anchored in the idea that public-private governance matters where the primary driver is the market incentive. We test the hypotheses that public-private cooperation at local level is based on shared knowledge and expertise among firms, civil society and state authority dealing with a natural resource which comes from the Brazilian biodiversity. NGOs and companies have developed the ability to act as enforcers as they interpret the public international/national regulation and develop an expertise through ‘best practices’ that are applied to enforce biodiversity regulation at the local level through a multilevel system that operates transnationally.

Author Biographies

  • João Paulo Cândia Veiga, University of São Paulo
    Professor of Political Science and International Relations at the Department of Political Science and at the Institute of International Relations.
  • Fausto Makishi, University of São Paulo
    Researcher at the Center for Organization Studies (CORS).
  • Murilo Alves Zacareli, University of São Paulo
    PhD Candidate at the Institute of International Relations.


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