Productive Matrix Change in Ecuador and the Petroleum Crisis. Case Study: Entrepreneurs and Productive Associations


  • Jhonny Villafuerte Faculty of Education University Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi
  • Eder Intriago Faculty of Education University Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabi



Economy crisis, leadership strengthen, productive systems, ICT usage, Entrepreneurs.


The worldwide oil prices reduction from USD 109,45 in 2012 to USD 26,5 in 2016 (OPEC, 2016) threatens economic crisis in those countries, whose economies are still directly dependent on the exploitation and exportation of oil, as is the case of Ecuador in South America. This paper aims to describe the public politics set as contingency measures in the social economy sector, taken to adjust to the economic impact that can be foreseen. In this document, we refer to the 2013-2017’s objectives of the Ecuadorian development national plan: 8, 9, 10 and 11th, and present an analysis of interviews applied to entrepreneurs and community association leaders, in connection with the national productive matrix change implications. This study describes also, the productive settings that urban entrepreneurs and farmers' associations implement in 2 geographical zones (Manabí and Esmeraldas) on the Ecuadorian coast, which has agricultural, tourist and fishing potentialities.

The results of this work, ratify that "productive associations" set of strategies for the social capital development in an organized group (Moran, 2010) and the theories of economy development of Basu, (2000) and Moon, (2014). We also consider that the productive matrix change process in Ecuador requests of urgently relevant adjustment in the producers’ profiles such as: the strengthening of ICT usage, and the addition of the sustainability vision in their new productive projects.


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